Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Installing Component

I have been trying to install the first version of a component. 

After continually getting: 

"There was an error uploading this file to the server. 
Unable to find install package."

I discovered that it was because the install.sql file was too large. 

I found that the php.ini file was supposedly in usr/local/etc/php5/ but when I edited that file the changes were not reflected when doing a phpinfo. 

I skipped over this and decided to just upload the component to the server via ftp and Install Directory.

Then I kept getting JCreate cannot create directory issues.

I remedied this with some temporary permission edits to 777 and then changed them back afterwards. 

Instead of having the huge SQL insert command in my install.sql file, I just did the CREATE commands and ran the INSERT from Sequel Pro

The data is now up and running, ready for some CHRON Tasks. The Search function in the component still accesses the pipe though and does not yet search the  local DB

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