Friday, August 8, 2008

Installing Joomla on Verio VPS - Template Install Problems

So I had just finished installing Joomla on my server and wanted to play around with a few templates. Unfortunately, Joomla didn't want to cooperate for some time. I ran into two main problems:

"The installer cannot continue until Zlib is installed"

The trick to fixing this was SSHing into my server and installed PHP5 WITH the Zlib mod. To do that you can enter the following commands:

enter login information etc

su root

vinstall php5

(scroll down to the bottom of the list it gives you to "Zlib" and hit
spacebar - this will put an asterisk next to the mod - then just hit enter and
you should be done)

The next problem I encountered was a failure to install because "Failed to Move Files". To fix this, all you must do is give the tmp folder write permissions and you are good to go on this part. Unfortunately, I got one more error but along with a Successful Install - it wouldn't copy over the language files to the admin/en-GB and the language/en-GB folders so I did those manually. However, I am sure you could just give those folders better permissions too.

Hope this helps and remember to please vote on the poll next to this to say it helped you!

Installing Joomla on Verio VPS - Blank Page

So it has been a while since I did a Joomla install on my new server because I took a break from doing web stuff for a while. However, I came back and decided to put the new Joomla on another one of my sites. As always, I ran into a couple of errors during the install.

I was getting a combination of blank pages and also the bad xml response error. After trying a couple of installs I noticed that my problem was coming from the configuration.php file. What solved not only the Install Sample Data problem and a few blank page problems I was having (I would be about to hit the "Finish" page and then I would get a blank page instead of the finish page), was deleting the configuration file and doing the entire install, then copying the configuration.php code that they give you on the final step and creating the file.

That worked very well and I successfully went through a full install with no MySQL or blank page errors.

Hope that helps - remember to vote on the side bar here if one of my posts has helped you!